Language Design                            Volume 2 (1999)


I. Articles

José Manuel Martín Morillas
The Concept of Self: Some Cognitive-Cultural Considerations Concerning its Categorization and Expression in Spanish and English

Anna Wierzbicka
Emotional Universals

Ana Fernández, Mª Antònia Martí, Glòria Vázquez, Irene Castellón
Establishing Semantic Oppositions for the Typification of Predicates: on the Concept of Diathesis Alternations as Semantic Oppositions

Francesca Fici
Measure NP and Split Intransitivity in Russian

Antonio Pamies Bertrán
Prosodic Typology: on the Dychotomy between Stress. Timed and Syllable-Timed Languages

II. Book Notices

El léxico del cuerpo Humano a través de la gramática y la semántica, by Natalia Easo Keller

Tiempo y ritmo en el español canario: un estudio acústico, by Manuel Almeida

III Jornadas de Lingüística (in memoriam professor Emilio Alarcos Llorach) by Miguel Casas and Mª Tadea Díaz

III. Book Review

El modelo lexemático-fincional, by Leocadio Martín Mingorance.

Constructing a Lexicon of English Verbs , by Pamela Faber and Ricardo Mairal

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