ISSN: 1139-8736
Depósito Legal: B-49224-99 Aplicación del modelo al concepto de neoplasm

Neoplasm y su equivalente neoplasia forman parte del área o dominio del cáncer; dentro de éste, pertenece a la dimensión de los tipos de tejido. Neoplasm a su vez puede ser dividido en 11 subdimensiones que se corresponden al origen o derivación histológica de las neoplasias.

Domain: cancer
Dimension: types of tissues

Archilexeme or hipernym: NEOPLASM


Si bien la información pragmática queda explícita en la entrada fraseológica, ya en el análisis definicional de los términos se introduce información pragmática, a través del uso de la variación de inglés americano o británico, por ejemplo. Además, la adecuación de las definiciones al lector lego es una opción de registro que refleja las características pragmáticas de nuestro trabajo. Sin embargo, en el eje paradigmático hemos concebido la información para un lector con ciertas nociones básicas en biología, partimos pues de ciertos presupuestos: asumimos que el lector está familiarizado con el significado de nociones básicas como pueden ser los conocimientos anatómicos usados en los definiens.

La información definicional está enfocada al traductor de la materia especializada que, a pesar de no ser conocedor de la materia en profundidad, sí que cuenta previsiblemente con nociones básicas de biomedicina, antes de enfrentarse a un encargo de traducción de un texto sobre el cáncer.

El usuario lego de los conceptos que se explicitan en este eje no entenderá mucho del origen histológico de los tumores o neoplasias y probablemente tampoco conocerá los términos que dicho origen activa. Conocerá más bien los tumores por su lugar de localización. Este hecho es fácil de constatar en los folletos de salud pública, destinados a la prevención del cáncer. Los tipos de cáncer son denominados según su localización, no según su origen histológico (aunque en algún lugar de los mismos se haga referencia a la denominación histológica del tumor). En un último nivel diastrático, se recurre a denominaciones de registro familiar para evitar el uso del término cáncer o tumor por las connotaciones que los mismos tienen y pueden despertar y por el desconocimiento de los mismos que el lector lego puede tener.

Dentro de la denominación de los tumores según su localización, existe variación en cuanto al orden de los elementos de la denominación en inglés, por lo que la mayoría de ellos entraría a formar parte del grupo de UF que nosotros hemos denominado non lexicalised set phrases. Por ejemplo:

Cancer of the pancreas Û pancreatic cancer

Por otro lado, la información incluida en este eje ayuda al conocimiento definicional y nocional de los conceptos, pero sobre todo al conocimiento conceptual. En concreto, el eje paradigmático nos sirve para centrar el concepto dentro del campo conceptual, relacionarlo con los conceptos superordinados y sus hiperónimos correspondientes así como con los subordinados y sus correspondientes hipónimos.

La información incluida en este eje nos facilita, como traductores, la labor de documentación, ayudándonos a establecer prioridades conceptuales en nuestra búsqueda bibliográfica y documental.

  neoplasm actively growing tissue composed of cells that have undergone an abnormal type of irreversible  differentiation
        benign neoplasm or tumor non invasive or metastatic neoplasm
        invasive neoplasm or tumor neoplasm capable of invading or infiltrating and destroying surrounding

metastatic neoplasm or tumor is a neoplasm capable of developing secondary centers of neoplastic growth

SUBDIMENSION 1: histologic derivation: EPITHELIAL TISSUE (Covering tissue)Note: Italics show Site of predilection.
malignant neoplasm
             carcinoma malignant neoplasm that arises from epithelial tissue.
                        squamous cell carcinoma malignant neoplasm of squamous epithelial cells
                        bladder, anus and vulva.
                       oat cell carcinoma very malignant, undifferentiated, small cell neoplasm.
                        lung, esophagus.
                        basal cell carcinoma malignant neoplasm, frequently forming a rodent ulcer and
                        destructive by invasion
                        skin, canthus of eye, tip of nose, chin, lip.

                    benign neoplasm
                                                squamous papilloma benign neoplasm composed of squamous epithelial cells.

skin, buccal mucosa, tongue, salivary gland, lip, esophagus, larynx, lung, bladder, anus and vulva.

SUBDIMENSION2- HISTOLOGIC DERIVATION: Epithelial tissue (glandular epithelium)

                    malignant neoplasms

adenocarcinoma malignant neoplasm composed of glandular epithelium, characterised by many variations and anaplasia and metastases.

                                                breast, bronchi, digestive tract, pancreas, endocrine glands, prostate.
                                                        cystadenocarcinoma cystic, malignant neoplasm of glandular epithelium.
                                                        salivary gland, ovary, breast, thyroid.

     serous cystadenocarcinoma rare cystadenocarcinoma with frequently bilateral loculations and characteristic cyst which contains transudate.


      pseudomucinous cystadenocarcinoma type of cystadenocarcinoma with cells undergoing stratification and fluid of cyst viscid.

                    benign neoplasms
                                                adenoma benign neoplasm arising from glands
                                                breast, bronchi, digestive tract, pancreas, endocrine glands, prostate.
                                                        cystadenoma cystic neoplasm arising from glandular epithelium.

serous cystadenoma cystadenoma of uni or multilocular serous cyst composed of epithelial and connective tissue


 pseudomucinous cystadenoma cystadenoma in which lining epithelium  produces mucus.



malignant neoplasms
                                choriocarcinoma highly malignant neoplasm of chorionic epithelium.
                                uterus, testes, mediastinum
                                embryonal carcinoma of testis malignant neoplasm of germinal epithelium.

 seminoma testicular neoplasm of distinctive seminoma cells and lymphocytic   stroma.

                                testes, epididymis, pelvic and paraaortic lymph nodes and other.

 malignant teratoma mixed neoplasm, malignant in one or the other tissue elements.

                                testes, ovaries, and retroperitoneal and sacrococcygeal regions.

                    benign neoplasms

                                                    testicular adenoma extremely rare glandular neoplasm derived from germinal

  teratoma mixed neoplasm composed of any type of embryonic and adult tissue (e.g., teeth, hair, bone, cartilage, and others)

                                                    testes, ovaries, and retroperitoneal and sacrococcygeal regions.


malignant neoplasms
                sarcoma malignant neoplasm composed of connective tissue.

chondrosarcoma sarcoma of cartilaginous elements usually arising from end of long bones.

                            femur, humerus, endolarynx, maxillary sinus, nasal fossa and others.
                            liposarcoma sarcoma composed of adipose tissue (fat).
                            neck, shoulder back, gluteal region, thigh, and others.
                            fibrosarcoma sarcoma in subcutaneous tissue or deeper structures.
                            extremities, head, neck, breast and others.
                            leiomyosarcoma sarcoma of smooth muscle tissue.

vulva, uterus, endometrium, esophagus, stomach, bladder, small intestine and

                                rhabdomyosarcoma poorly differentiated bizarre sarcoma in striated muscle.
                                any skeletal muscles, especially of the lower extremity.
                             osteosarcoma sarcoma of osteoblastic or osseous tissue.
                             long bones, especially femur, humerus, fibula, pelvis, and others.
benign neoplasms
                chondroma benign neoplasm composed of cartilaginous elements.
                femur, humerus, endolarynx, maxillary sinus, nasal fossa and others
                lipoma benign neoplasm composed of adipose tissue
                neck, shoulder back, gluteal region, thigh, and others.
                fibroma benign mass or firm nodule of fibroblasts or fibrocytes.
                extremities, head, neck, breast and others.
                leiomyoma benign neoplasm of smooth muscle tissue.
                vulva, uterus, endometrium, esophagus, stomach, bladder, small intestine and
                rhabdomyoma benign neoplasm arising in skeletal muscle.
                any skeletal muscles, especially of the lower extremity
                osteoid osteoma benign neoplasm derived from osteoblastic tissue.
                long bones, especially femur, humerus, fibula, pelvis, and others.

DIMENSION 5- HISTOLOGIC DERIVATION: Nerve tissue or other tisssue in nervous system.

                    malignant neoplasms

                    glioma primary intracranial tumors composed of glial tissues.
                        astrocytoma glioma containing star-shaped cells or astrocytes.
                        cerebral hemisphere and brain stem.
                        ependymoma glioma of the lining of the ventricles
                        ventricles of the brain.
                        glioblastoma multiforme highly invasive and destructive glioma.
                        Cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem and spinal cord.
                        oligodendroglioma slow growing glioma with areas of calcification.
                        white matter of the frontal lobe.
                        medulloblastoma glioma composed of medullary or neuroepithelial tissue.
                                    neuroblastoma highly malignant, lethal neoplasm of neuroblasts ocurring in children

adrenal gland, sympathetic nerve chains, jaw, lip, nose, abdominal viscera, and   others.

       ganglioneuroblastoma malignant neoplasm neoplasm composed of ganglionic cells and neuroblasts.

                                    Mediastinum and retroperitoneum.
                                    neurofibrosarmoma malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve sheaths.
                                    Peripheral nerves, hand, mediastinum, ureter and others.

                        benign neoplasms
                                    meningioma benign neoplasm composed of ganglionic and nerve cells.
                                    meninges, cerebral hemisphere and optic chiasm.
                                    ganglioneuroma benign neoplasm composed of ganglionic and nerve cells.
                                    mediastinum and retroperitoneum.
                                    neurilemoma benign encapsulated neoplasm usually arising from peripheral nerve.
                                    Peripheral or sympathetic nerves and eighth cranial nerve.
                                    neurofibroma tumor of peripheral nerve sheaths.
                                    Peripheral nerves, hand, mediastinum, ureter and others.


malignant neoplasms

schwannomas slow growing malignant neoplasm originating from Schwann cells of the myelin sheath.

                acoustic nerve fibers, spinal cord, and other cranial nerves.

No benign neoplasms.


malignant neoplasms
        malignant melanoma malignant pigmented neoplasm
        Skin, eye, and extremities.

benign neoplasms
        nevus pigmented mole of developmental origin.
        skin, eye and extremities.


                    malignant neoplasms

Ewing’s sarcoma malignant neoplasm of reticuloendothelial tissue with early and wide metastases to other bones.

                            femur, tibia, humerus, mandible, pelvic bones, and others.
                            multiple myeloma plasma cell neoplasm derived from plasma cells of bone marrow
                            flat bones, ribs, vertebrae, pelvis, skull, and others.

No benign neoplasms.


malignant neoplasms
          leukemia undifferentiated or differentiated malignant neoplasm of stem cells.

No benign neoplasms


malignant neoplasms
        lymphomas stem cell or histiocytic, poorly or well differentiated form of malignant neoplasm.
        lymph nodes, spleen, liver, and other viscera.
                Hodgkin’s lymphoma malignant neoplasm of lymphocytic predominance or depletion,
                mixed cellularity or nodular sclerosis.
                lymph nodes, spleen, liver, bones, and other viscera.


 malignant tumors
        angiosarcoma malignant neoplasm of vascular tissue.
        blood vessels, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, and liver.
            hemangiosarcoma malignant blood vessel neoplasm
            blood vessels.
            lymphangiosarcoma sarcoma of the lymphatic vessels.
            lymphatic vessels, neck, and others.

benign neoplasms
        hemangioma neoplasm of blood vessels
        blood vessels.
        lymphangioma tumor of the lymphatic vessels
        lymphatic vessels, neck, and others.

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ISSN: 1139-8736
Depósito Legal: B-49224-99