5.2.1 Rigidity or context resistent integration
Observe the following data.
(4) | |
The cases in (4) are all unstressed Vocoids preceded by an Obstruent and followed by a Rhotic in the same morpheme (intramorphemic Vocoid). The Vocoid, expressed as a Vowel, does not show a different category under some contextual circumstance. This effect is also found with the examples in (5). The unstressed Vocoid preceded by an Obstruent and followed by a Rhotic in (5) is expressed as a svarabhakti (v). The svarabhakti agrees in High, Back, Low and Round, (Place of Articulation), with an adjacent Vocoid.1
(5) | |
A Vocoid in a given morpheme can occur therefore differentiated in a token Vowel (4) and another morpheme can occur differentiated as an agreeing svarabhakti (5). I will refer to this morpheme-differentiated pair effect as a "rigidity effect".
1 For spectrographic evidence of this esvarabhakti vocoid, see Quilis (1981:§
Volumen 22 (2005) ISSN: 1139-8736 |