ISSN: 1139-8736
Depósito Legal: B-41077-2003
Copyright: © Matilde Gallardo Barbarroja

8. Referencias bibliográficas

Fuentes primarias

Alcalá Galiano, Antonio. 1828: An introductory lecture delivered in the University of London, London, printed for John Taylor, bookseller and publisher to the University of London.

---. 1834: Literatura española, siglo XIX, de Moratín a Rivas. Traducción, introducción y notas de V. Llorens, 1969, Madrid, ed. Alianza.

---. 1847: Historia de la literatura española, francesa, inglesa e italiana en el siglo XVIII, Madrid, Establecimiento tipográfico de Don Ramón Rodríguez de Rivera.

---. 1879: Recuerdos de un anciano, Madrid, Imprenta Central, a cargo de Víctor Sanz.

---. 1886: Memorias, Madrid, Imprenta de Enrique Rubiños.

Arnold, Matthew. 1898: Essays in criticism, London, Macmillan and Co.

Arteaga y Pereira, Fernando de. 1883: Bocetos californianos de Bret Harte, Barcelona. Biblioteca “Arte y Letras”, E. Domenech y Cª.

---. 1892:Hossfeld educational works. One hundred passages for translation at sight into English, French, German, Italian or Spanish; for the use of army pupils and others. Part V, Spanish, London, Hirschfield Brothers.

---. 1897: Quinientos Cantares, Barcelona, Imprenta y Litografía de José Cunill.

---. 1900: Spanish grammar vocabulary, Hossfeld´s Method, containing all the Spanish words made use of in the Grammar, London, Hirschfield Brothers.

---. 1902: A new English and Spanish vocabulary alphabetical and analogical. Hossfeld´s Series, London, Hirschfield Brothers.

---. 1902:Practical Spanish, a grammar of the Spanish language with exercises, materials for conversation and vocabularies, London, John Murray.

---. 1909: Nine Spanish poems, London, Edimburg, Glasgow, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, Henry Frowde.

---. 1912: Doce sonetos, London, Edimburgh, Glasgow, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, Henry Frowde.

---. 1914:A Spanish Grammar for schools, London, Swan Sonnenschein.

---. 1920: Spanish Grammar, Hossfeld´s Method. New Practical Method for learning the Spanish language. Fourth revised edition, with a vocabulary, London, Hirschfield Brothers, Ltd.

---. 1922:Tierras amigas, Oxford, Imprenta Clarendoniana.

---. 1923: Tierra y raza. Cuentos españoles, Oxford, Clarendon Press.

Baretti, Joseph. 1772: An introduction to the most useful European languages consisting of selected passages from the most celebrated English, French, Italian and Spanish authors, with translations as closed as possible; so disposed in columns as to give in one view the manner of expressing the same sentence in each language. Intended for the use of foreigners, merchants and gentlemen who make the knowledge of those languages their study, London, printed for T. Davies and T.Cadell.

---. 1786: Diccionario español e inglés, conteniente la significación y uso de las voces, con términos propios a la Marina, a las artes, ciencias y comercio, con la acentuación de la Real Academia de Madrid, Londres, a costa de Piestre y Delamolliére.

Bello, Andrés. 1847: Gramática de la lengua castellana, destinada al uso de los americanos, edición crítica de Ramón Trujillo, 1981, Sta. Cruz de Tenerife, Instituto Universitario de Lingüística Andrés Bello, Aula de Cultura de Tenerife.

Benot, Eduardo. 1910: Arte de hablar; gramática filosófica de la lengua castellana, reproducción facsimilar, introducción de Ramón Sarmiento, 1991, Barcelona, Anthropos.

Butler Clarke, Henry. 1891: A first Spanish reader and writer, London, Parallel Grammar Series, Swan Sonnenschein & Co.

---. 1892: A Spanish grammar for schools, London, Parallel Grammar Series, Swan Sonnenschein & Co.

---. 1893: Spanish literature. An elementary handbook. London. Swan Sonnenschein and Co., New York, Macmillan and Co.

---. 1897:Lazarillo de Tormes, conforme a la edición de 1554, Oxford, Blackwell.

---. 1900: "The Spanish Rogue-Story", Studies in European literature, 1889-1899, Oxford, Clarendon Press.

---. 1906:Modern Spain, 1815-1898, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Calderón, Juan. 1843: Análisis lógica y gramatical de la lengua española, Madrid, Carrera de San Jerónimo, 43.

---. 1851:El Examen Libre, periódico religioso de indeterminado período, destinado a propagar el conocimiento de la pura religión del Evangelio, Londres, en casa de Partridge y Oakey.

---. 1852: Análisis Lógica y Gramatical de la lengua española; segunda edición corregida y anotada por Don Francisco Merino Ballesteros, Inspector General de Instrucción Primaria, Biblioteca Económica de Educación y Enseñanza, Imprenta de A. Vicente.

---. 1854:Cervantes vindicado en ciento y quince pasajes del texto del ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, que no han entendido o que han entendido mal algunos de sus comentadores o críticos, Madrid, Imprenta de José Martín Alegría.

---. 1854: Friendly discussions with my priest; from the manuscript of the late Rev. Juan Calderón, a Protestant Spaniard, 1854, London, Jackson and Walford.

---. 1843: Catalogue de livres anciens espagnols, et d´ouvrages modernes relatifs a l´histoire et la literature d´Espagne, qui se trouvent a la Librairie de V. Salvá, Paris, Imprimerie de H. Fournier et Cº.

Cornett,W.N. 1915: Hossfeld´s Spanish dialogues and idiomatic phrases, indispensable for a rapid acquisition of the Spanish language, London, Hirschfield Brothers Ltd.

Dann, J.T. & González, G. 1871: The Spanish Commercial correspondent with English grammatical and idiomatic notes and a general vocabulary, adapted For translation into English together with tables of coins, weights and measures for the use of schools and for self-instruction, London, Asher and Co.

Del Mar, Emanuel. 1833: A Theoretical and Practical Grammar of the Spanish language, adapted to all classes of learners; in thirty lectures, with exercises and key, London, J. Wacey and Ackermann and Co.

---. 1839: A New Guide to Conversation in Spanish and English, containing various lists of words in most general use, properly classed; and a miscellaneous collection of complimentary dialogues and familiar phrases, proverbs and idioms, London, J. Wacey (otra edición de 1850).

---. 1839: Spanish and English Dialogues and Familiar Phrases, Proverbs and Idioms.Diálogos y Frases familiares, refranes e idiotismos en español e inglés, London, J. Wacey.

---. 1840: A concise and simplified grammar of the Spanish language, London, C. and H. Senior.

---. 1842: A Grammar of the English language, in which the rules of Etymology and Syntax are clearly expounded in a series of familiar lectures; designed for the use of schools and self-teaching, and particularly adapted for those who learn foreign languages, London, Cradock and Co.

---. 1844: A complete theoretical and practical grammar of the Spanish language, in a series of lectures with exercises and key, London, David Nutt.

---. 1848: A Complete Theoretical and practical grammar of the Spanish language, in a series of lectures with copious examples and exercises, written with the new Spanish orthography: particularly adapted for self-tuition, London, David Nutt.

---. 1853: A complete theoretical and practical grammar of the Spanish language, as it is now spoken and written: comprised in a series of lectures; with a comprehensive treatise on Castilian pronunciation and copious examples and exercises, London, David Nutt.

---. 1853: A Key to the exercises in the sixth edition of Emanuel Del Mar's Spanish Grammar, London, David Nutt.

---. 1854:Modelos de literatura española or choice selections in prose, poetry and the drama from the most celebrated Spanish writers from the XV century to the present day; with a brief sketch of Spanish literature and explanatory notes in English, London, David Nutt.

Dufief, Nicholas Gouin. 1826: Dufief´s Nature Displayed in her mode of teaching language to man, being a new and infallible method of acquiring languages with unparalleled rapidity; deduced from the analysis of the human mind and consequently suited to every capacity: adapted to the Spanish by D. Mariano Velásquez de la Cadena, L. Hargous, Professor of Universal Grammar and Don Manuel de Torres, late Minister Plenipontetiary from the Republic of Colombia to the United States, to which is prefixed a development of the author´s plan of tuition; differing entirely from every other; so powerful in its operation, and so very economical, that a liberal education can be afforded even to the poorest of mankind, but which is obtained the great desideratum of enabling nations to arrive at the highest degree of mental perfection, London, printed for the author and sold by his agents J. and C. Adlard.

Elwes, Alfred. 1852: A Grammar of Spanish language in a simple and practical form, with a course of exercises, London, John Weale.

---. 1854: A Dictionary of the Spanish & English and English & Spanish languages, comprising all the usual words in both tongues, with their proper accents, and the gender of every noun, together with a large number of new terms and words, now first inserted, used in engineering, mining, etc., London, John Weale.

---. 1866:McHenry´s Spanish Grammar. Designed for every class of learners but specially for such as are their own instructors, London, Virtue Brothers and Co.

---. 1866: McHenry´s Exercises of the Spanish language, London, Virtue Brothers and Co.

---. 1866:Key to McHenry´s Spanish exercises, London, Virtue Brothers and Co.

Galindo, G. 1825: An Introduction to Spanish reading, being easy reading lessons in the Spanish language, with an interlineary and literal translation adapted to the acquirement of that language in a simple and speedy manner, London, printed for Dulau and Co.

---. 1825:The Spanish word-book, London, printed for Dulau and Co.

Garrido, Antonio. 1827: Floresta española o colección de piezas escogidas de los mejores autores, precedida de un discurso sobre el origen, progresos y decadencia de la literatura española, Londres, en la Librería de Boosey e Hijos.

Gómez Hermosilla, José M. 1826:Arte de hablar en prosa y verso, Madrid, Imprenta Real.

Gouin, François. 1892: The art of teaching and studying languages, translated from the French by Howard Swan and Victor Bétis, London, George Philip and Son.

Gurrín, Tomás. 1885:Hossfeld´s New Method for learning the Spanish language in the easiest and quickest way, London, Society for Promoting the Knowledge of Foreign Languages.

---. 1885: Key to Hossfeld´s New Method for learning the Spanish language, London, Society for Promoting the Knowlege of Foreign Languages.

---. 1890. Hossfeld´s New Spanish reader, with explanatory notes, London, Hirschfield Brothers.

Hossfeld, C., Sánchez, M. 1905:The English-Spanish Commercial Correspondent, or the art of composing any mercantile letter in either Spanish or English, by the simple method of combining sentences from the pages of this work. Containing also a vocabulary of technical expressions, London Hirschfield Bros. Limited.

---. 1891:The Polyglot Correspondent, whereby any mercantile letter may be composed in either English, French, German and Spanish, by the simple method of combining sentences selected from the pages of his work. Containing also a vocabulary of technical expressions, London, Hirschfield Bros.

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---. 1834: El Instructor o Repertorio de Historia, Bellas Letras y Artes, Londres, 2 tomos, en casa de Ackermann y Compañía, Imprenta de Carlos Wood.

---. 1840: A Grammar of the Spanish Language for the use of the students in King´s College; in which the peculiar qualities and accidental differences of the parts of speech are accurately analysed, and the syntax fully explained, exemplified and compared with the English construction: with an appendix containing the exceptions to the rules of genders, and tables of the Spanish adjectives and adverbs of a different etymology from the same in English. By J. De Alcalá, LL. B., professor of Spanish Literature in King´s College. Second edition. London, Dulau and Co., 37 Soho Square.

Lopes, J.M. and Bensley, E.R., y otros. 1878: Nuevo Diccionario Inglés-Español y Español-Inglés. El más compacto de los publicados hasta el día. Redactado con la presencia del de Velázquez de la Cadena y de los mejores diccionarios españoles e ingleses, los de la Academia Española, Terreros Salvá, Domínguez, Seoane, Worcester, Clifton, Webster, etc.,1878, Paris, Garnier Hermanos Editores.

López de la Huerta, José. 1799: Examen de la posibilidad de fixar la significación de los sinónimos de la lengua castellana, Madrid, Imprenta Real, por Don Pedro Pereyra, Impresor de Cámara de S.M.

--- y Álvarez Cienfuegos, Nicasio. 1835: Sinónimos castellanos, Madrid, en la Imprenta Real.

Mantilla, Luis Felipe. 1866: Mantilla´s classic Spanish reader. Libro de lectura nº 3, o sea, autores selectos españoles e hispanoamericanos, Nueva York, Ivison Phinney, Blakeman y Co.

---. 1888: Libro de lectura nº 3, o sea autores selectos españoles e hispanoamericanos, Paris, Librería de Hachette y Cía.

Martínez de Morentín,Manuel. 1857: Estudios filológicos, o sea, examen razonado Del empleo de los verbos Ser y Estar; del uso de los tiempos del subjuntivo, del de las preposiciones Por y Para; de los accidentes del adjetivo, y de los pronombres: dificultades principales en la lengua española. Trozos escogidos en prosa y verso de los más distinguidos autores clásicos y un apéndice en el que se desenvuelven con novedad e interés las dificultades de la preposición A y las que ofrece la formación de los aumentativos y diminutivos, con varias etimologías curiosas. Todo en conformidad de las doctrinas de los más eminentes filólogos por entre los que figuran Don Juan Calderón, Puigblanch, Salvá, López Maurel y la Academia, Londres, publican la obra Trübner y Cª.

McHenry, Luis Josef Antonio. 1823: A New and Improved Spanish Grammar designed for every class of learners but specially for such as are their own instructors, in two parts. Part I. An easy introduction to the elements of the Spanish language. Part II. The rules of Etymology and Syntax fully exemplified; with occasional notes and observations, with an appendix containing a useful vocabulary, dialogues with numerical references to the rules in the grammar, a few specimens of commercial documents, an explanation of the rules and principles of the Spanish poetry and some rules for derivation, London, printed for Sherwood, Jones and Co., (otra edición de 1837).

---. 1826: Synonyms of the Spanish language, explained and elucidated by copious extracts from the most approved Spanish poets, intended as an appendix to English-Spanish dictionaries, London, printed for Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper.

Meadows, F.C. 1843:New Spanish and English dictionary, London, printed for Thomas Tegg. (otra edición de 1887).

---. 1846: New Grammar of the Spanish language comprehending, in a most simple, easy and concise manner, everything necessary to its complete acquirement, London, Printed for William Tegg and Co., R. Griffin and Co., Glasgow, Cumming and Ferguson, Dublin.

Mendíbil, Pablo y Silvela, Manuel. 1819: Biblioteca selecta de literatura española, o modelos de elocuencia y poesía, tomados de los escritores más célebres desde el siglo XIV hasta nuestros días, y que pueden servir de lecciones prácticas a los que se dedican al conocimiento y estudio de esta lengua, Burdeos, Imprenta de Lawalle joven y sobrino.

---. 1826: Revista del Antiguo teatro Español, o selección de piezas dramáticas desde el tiempo de Lope de Vega hasta el de Cañizares; castigadas y arregladas a los preceptos del arte, Londres, Imprenta española de M. Calero.

---. 1829: Clave de conocimientos útiles o explicación breve y sencilla de las cosas más usuales en la economía doméstica mezclada con documentos morales. Acomodada del inglés al castellano, para el uso de las niñas aficionadas a lecturas útiles, Londres, R. Ackermann.

Monteith, A.H. 1854: Robertsonian method. A course of lessons in the Spanish language, intended to enable persons to acquire the language without oral instruction, London, Samuel Gilbert.

Noboa, Antonio (Martínez de). 1839: Nueva Gramática de la lengua castellanasegún los principios de la filosofía gramatical, Madrid, Imprenta de D. Eusebio Aguado.

---. 1824: Ocios de Españoles Emigrados, periódico mensual, Londres, tomo I, se vende en casa de los SS. Dulau y Compañía; y Treuttel y Wurtz; Boosey e Hijo; en la Imprenta de A. Macintosh.

Ochoa, Carlos. 1862: Antología española. Colección de trozos escogidos de los mejores hablistas en prosa y verso desde el siglo XVI hasta nuestros días, Paris, Carlos Hingray Editor.

---. 1892:Novísimo diccionario de la lengua castellana en el que se hallan incluidos cuantos vocablos contienen los diccionarios de la lengua castellana publicados hasta el día, inclusos los de la Real Academia Española, Barcia, Domínguez, Monau, Salvá y otros varios. Contiene además una infinidad de voces pertenecientes a las artes, ciencias, letras y oficios y muchísimas de frecuente uso en América, por una sociedad de escritores bajo la dirección de Don Carlos de Ochoa, con un suplemento que contiene el Diccionario de Sinónimos de la lengua castellana por Don Pedro Mª de Olive y el Diccionario de la Rima por Don J. Landa, Paris-Méjico, Librería de Charles Bouret.

Ossorio y Bernard, Manuel. 1903-1904: Ensayo de un catálogo de periodistas españoles del siglo XIX, Madrid, Imprenta y Litografía de J. Palacios.

Prendergast, Thomas. 1864:The Mastery of Languages; or the art of speaking foreign tongues idiomatically, London, Richard Bentley.

---. 1869: The Mastery Series, Spanish, a manual of Spanish for Englishmen and of English for Spaniards, Longmans, Green and Co. (otras ediciones de 1871, 1872 y 1875).

Puigblanch, Antonio. 1828: Prospecto de la obra filosófica intitulada, Observaciones sobre el origen y genio de la lengua castellana, en las que también se habla de las demás lenguas principales de Europa, Londres, en la Imprenta española de M. Calero.

---. 1832: Opúsculos gramático-satíricos del Doctor Don Antonio Puigblanch contra el Doctor Don Joaquín Lorenzo Villanueva, escritos en defensa propia, en los que también se tratan materias de interés común, Londres, en la Imprenta de Guillermo Guthrie.

---. 1816: The Inquisition Unmasked: being a historical and philosophical account of that tremendous tribunal founded on authentic documents; and exhibiting the necessity of its suppression as a means of reform and regeneration. Written and published at a time when the National Congress of Spain was about to deliberate on this important measure. Translated from the author´s enlarged copy by William Walton Esq., London, printed for Baldwin, Cradock and Joy.

Seoane, Mateo. 1831:Newman and Baretti´s dictionary of the Spanish and English languages; wherein the words are correctly explained, agreeably to their different meanings, and a great variety of terms, relating to the arts, sciences, manufactures, merchandise, navigation and trade, elucidated, thoroughly revised, greatly improved, enlarged by the addition of many thousand words, and the two parts most carefully collated, London, Longman, Brown and Co., 2 volumes.

Salvá, Vicente. 1830: Gramática de la lengua castellana según ahora se habla, Londres, en la Librería de H.G. Bohn; París, Imprenta de Demonville.

Schaefer. 1889: Hossfeld´s Spanish dialogues, with a vocabulary, a chapter on pronunciation and the conjugation of the regular and irregular verbs, London, Hirschfield Bros.

Sobrino, Francisco. 1697: Nouvelle grammaire espagnolle mise en bon ordre et expliquée en français, Brusselle, F. Foppens.

Velázquez de la Cadena, Mariano. 1827: Elementos de la lengua castellana fundados en los principios establecidos por la Academia española y en uso de los autores clásicos, Nueva York, en la Imprenta de Eduardo Grattan.

---. 1853: A pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages: composed from the Spanish dictionaries of the Spanish Academy, Terreros and Salvá upon the basis of Seoane´s edition of Newman and Baretti´s and from the English dictionaries of Webster,Worcester and Walker: with the addition of more than eight thousand words, idioms and familiar phrases, the irregularities of all the verbs, and a grammatical synopsis of both languages, New York, D.Appleton and Company. (Otra edición de 1873).

--- and T. Simonné. 1848: Ollendorff´s New Method of learning to read write and speak the Spanish language. With an appendix containing a brief, but comprehensive recapitulation of the rules, as well as all the verbs,both regular and irregular; so as to render their use easy and familiar to the most ordinary capacity. Together with practical rules for the Spanish pronunciation, and models of social and commercial correspondence. The whole designed for young learners and persons who are their own instructors, New York, D. Appleton and Co., (otras ediciones de 1856,1869, 1871 y 1890).

---. 1848:Key to the Exercises in Ollendorff´s New Method, New York, D. Appleton and Co.

---. 1857: An easy introduction to Spanish conversation, containing all that it is necessary to make a rapid progress in it. Particularly designed for persons who have little time to study of are their own instructors, New York, D. Appleton and Co., (segunda edición, 1863, London, Trübner and Co.).

---. 1857:A New Spanish Reader, consisting of passages from the most approved authors, in prose and verse, arranged in progressive order, for the use of those who wish to obtain easily a practical knowledge of the Castilian language: with plain rules for its pronunciation, notes, explanatory of the idioms and difficult constructions and a copious vocabulary. Being a sequel to Ollendorff´s New Method of learning to read, write and speak the Spanish language, New York, D. Appleton and Company.

---. 1878: A dictionary of the Spanish and English languages, abridged from the author´s larger work, London, Trübner & Co.

Villalobos, Angel. 1842: La Colmena, Periódico Trimestre de Ciencias, Artes, Historia y Literatura, Londres, Ackermann y Compª.

Weintz, H.J. 1907: Hossfeld´s Spanish for the million, a simple and easy method of acquiring a thorough knowledge of the Spanish language, London, Hirschfield Brothers, Limited.


Fuentes secundarias

Aarslef, Hans. 1967: The study of language in England, 1780-1860, Princeton, Princeton University Press.

Alborg, Juan Luis. 1980:Historia de la literatura española, Madrid, tomo IV, Ed. Gredos.

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Alvar Ezquerra, Manuel. 1994: “Los manuales de Ignaz Weitenauer”, Revista de Estudios de Adquisición de la Lengua española, REALE, Alcalá de Henares, nº1, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Departamento de Filología, págs. 9-13.

Barnard, H.C. 1947. Short History of English education,1760-1944, London, University of London Publications.

Bahlsen, Leopold. 1905:The teaching of modern languages, Boston, New York, Chicago, London, translated from the German by M. Blakemore Evans, Ginn & Company.

Bell, Roger, T. 1981: An introduction to Applied Linguistics. Approaches and methods in language teaching, London, Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd.

Blackie, John Stuart. 1852:On the studying and teaching of languages, Edimburgh, Sutherland & Knox, London, Simpkin, Marshall & Co., Aberdeen, George Davidson.

Bousoño, Carlos. 1981: Épocas literarias y evolución, Madrid, tomo I, Gredos.

Bowring, John. 1843: The works of Jeremy Bentham, vols. 10 & 11, Edimburgh, London, William Tait.

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Cano, José Luis. 1975: Heterodoxos y prerrománticos, Madrid, Ed. Júcar.

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Conde de la Viñaza. 1978: Biblioteca histórica de la Filología Castellana, Madrid, Ed. Atlas (edición facsimilar de la original, impresa por M. Tello, Madrid, 1893), 3 vols.

Coseriu, Eugenio. 1977:El hombre y su lenguaje; estudios de teoría y metodología lingüística, Madrid, Editorial Gredos.

Chomsky, Noam. 1966: Cartesian Linguistics. A chapter in the history of rationalist thought, New York, London, Harper and Row Publications.

Darlow, T.H. and Moule, H.F. 1903-1911: Historical Catalogue of the printed editions of Holy Scripture, London, BFBS.

De Bruyne, Jacques. 1995: A comprehensive Spanish grammar, Oxford, Blackwell publishers.

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